Full Name: Rt. Rev. Dr. Ginkhanmung Zou
Born: March 03, 1970, in Sajiktampak, Chandel Dist. Manipur, India.
Parents: Jangkhomang and Suajavung
Spouse: Lalneikim
Children: Ms. Jeneve Vungngaisang, Mr. Samuel Mangbiaklian and Ms. Ruth Vunghoiching
Rt. Rev. Dr. Ginkhanmung Zou is the first Bishop of Manipur Evangelical Lutheran Church, one of the largest churches for Zou community in India. In his ministry, Rt. Rev. Dr. Ginkhanmung Zou encourages people to follow Jesus Christ with joy and simplicity of life, seeking to serve God and their neighbors in their ordinary daily activities. He has been a voice of compassion and reason on moral and spiritual issues in public life and culture.
Selected Works: Project Officer (1994-1997), Inducted as Pro Pastor in 1997 at Muallum ZCC, Ordained Pastor in 2000 at P. Kamdou veng ZCC by Rev. T. Doupu, Moderator ZCC, Attached as Area Pastor at Sugnu in 2001, Elected as Executive Secretary on 2006, Bishop Consecrated from 2009-2011 at MELC Headquarter Church Zomi Colony, Elected for 2nd Term from 2012-2014, Nominated as Divisional Superintendent Lamka District from 2015-2017, Serve as Area Pastor at Khuangkhaijang on 2019, Nominated as Divisional Superintendent Singngat Division on 2024 till date.
Early Life
Rt. Rev. Dr. Ginkhanmung Zou was born on 3rd March 1970 to Evangelist Jangkhomang and Suajavung in Sajiktampak, Chandel District, Manipur, India. In school, young Mung was passionate about Sports & Music. He completed his matriculation at Langching Christian High School in the year 1985 and PUC at Churachandpur College in the year 1987. He has a zeal and love for his motherland and is very passionate about the Reunification of Zo’s in and abroad in India. He took part in the process and held the post of Zo-Re-unification Volunteer (ZRV) as Volunteer Commander in Chief in the year 1986-1998 at Champhai Mizoram and Zomi National Congress (ZNC) Manipur under the leadership of Pu T. Gougin and Peoples Convention at Mizoram under the leadership of Brig. T. Sailo. He was among the founder leaders who formed the organization Zo Re-Unification Organisation(Z0RO) in the year 1988. But, at his father’s request, young Mung put aside his dream of the Zo-Re-Unification Organization (ZoRO) which indeed is a turning point for him in his career, and attended Bachelor of Theology (B.Th) at Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS), Dehradun UP for Theological studies and graduated in 1993, during the B.Th. course, he was assured of his salvation and accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour. After completing the course the next year he was recruited as Project Officer by Zomi Christian Church (ZCC) from 1994 to 1997 which was his maiden service in the ministry and the next year he was inducted as Pro Pastor at Muallum, ZCC under Singngat Sub-Division where he started his journey as Pastor for full Three years as Probationary Pastor.
During his tenure as Pro Pastor in the year 1997 Community War erupted which halted ministerial work which is a blessing in disguise for him to complete the Clinical Pastoral Course at Bangalore in the year 1997 and Clinical Pastoral Education New South Wales Sydney Australia in the year 1998 and Ellul International Ministries at Pierrepoint, London UK in the year 1999. He was clear in his mind and “never looked back” is the theme he oath for his ministry.
In his 25 plus year ministry, Rt. Rev. Dr. Ginkhanmung Zou has sparked controversy many times. He was ordained as Pastor by Rev. T.Doupu, Moderator at P.Kamdou Veng, Churachandpur, Manipur, India in the year 2000 and attached as Area Pastor at Sugnu ZCC church under Chandel District, Manipur, India. During his tenure as local pastor in Peniel church, Imphal, he pursued his Bible Degree and completed his Master of Divinity (M.Div) at Trulock Theological Seminary Imphal from 2002-2004 and Doctorate Degree (DD) at the International Institute of Church Management (IICM), Chennai from 2006 as a correspondent.
He holds a key post in different fields in the church. He was for the first time Elected as Executive Secretary in the year 2006 and the First Bishop of Manipur Evangelical Lutheran Church. He was Consecrated as Bishop on 19th January 2009 at MELC Headquarters Church Zomi Colony, Churachandpur, Manipur, India, and elected for the Second Time as Bishop in the year 2012. During his tenure as head of the Church, he was invited by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod USA in the year 2014 to attend the conference as a Special Guest for the event, MoU signed between the National Missionary Society of India (NMSI), Lutheran World Service India Trust (LWSIT), Lutheran World Service, Geneva (LWS), Lutheran World Federation, (LWF) Geneva (a pilot project for HIV & AIDs)and he is a permanent member of National Lutheran Health and Medical Board (NLHMB) which is the sponsor body of of Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU) Shillong, Bishop Mung holds a post of Board of Governors at MLCU for 9 consecutive years. During his board of members, he recommended many students without partiality on denominations, caste, and tribes with scholarships from LWF. He become many successors of Government Jobs, NGOs, and many doctorate holders within India and abroad. He has initiated a number of Projects and implemented Projects for his church, ministry and society as a whole.